Ask a Residential Landscaper: When Should I Trim my Crepe Myrtles?

HomeBlogAsk a Residential Landscaper: When Should I Trim my Crepe Myrtles?

Crepe myrtles are beautiful plants that many people enjoy having as part of their overall landscape design. With flowers in the spring and a pleasant smell, it is not uncommon to ask a residential landscaper to add crepe myrtle trees or shrubs to your overall design. Here at ZTV Landscaping, we want to help you take care of these beautiful plants in whatever way we can. We have experience working with these plants and would be delighted to pass along some of our information to you. Consider the following advice from our own residential landscaper:

Ask a Residential Landscaper: When Should I Trim my Crepe Myrtles?

  • Know when to prune. Depending on where you live will usually determine when exactly you should prune your crepe myrtles, but the general rule is that they should be pruned in the cooler months when the plants are dormant. This can mean late fall, winter or early spring, depending on your climate.
  • Be careful to not prune too much (pollarding). Pruning is meant to encourage new growth, but some people become a bit too vigorous in their efforts with pruning and end up “pollarding” their plants, otherwise known as over-pruning. Instead of cutting the plant down to the base, strategically remove smaller growths while leaving the larger bases intact.
  • Take care to remove dead blooms. The blooms are one of the best parts of crepe myrtles, but be sure to remove blooms and seeds after they have died. This will encourage more flowers to bloom.

We hope that this information from our residential landscaper has been beneficial. For more information, please contact us today.